Resources to Help with School Goals

Please feel free to check out any of the AMAZING resources listed below to help you - help our students - meet our goals for this school year. Please check this page often. As new resources are found, they will be added. If you have a great resource to add, please send them via email to Ms. Smith and she will add them ASAP. 

Resources for Parent Involvement:
These resources provide great examples for what type of resource pages you should be sending home during each new math skill. If you are struggling to create your own resources, work with your team to create one together. The internet is also a great resource to help you! 

Parent Resource Page for Multiplying/Dividing Decimals
Parent Resource Packet for 1st Grade
General Tips for Increasing Parent Involvement

Resources for Increasing Reading Skills:
These resources provide some reading activities and reading professional development to get you thinking about how you can increase your students' comprehension this year. 

Renaissance Learning
*Did you know Renaissance learning isn't just for A.R.? Renaissance has SO many great lessons and activities that you can access for free.
Six Tips for Increasing Comprehension
Book Whisperer

Resources for Houses/Character Education:

As we start implementing houses, we encourage you to read up on what they are, how to implement them, and how to establish them. Our houses/character education team meets once a month - please feel free to attend! We'd love to hear your ideas and suggestions. 

Establishing a House System
What is a House System?
How to Establish the House System